Friday, December 16, 2011

Faith in numbers..

After FINALLY creating the blog last evening, I spent a little time with Austin. We are both excited about his new blood treatment today. As My sister Stephanie called me early this morning, leaving me a message not to worry, GODS GOT THIS! I was told for a third time since yesterday to contact St. Jude. So, That is my next task. I was also given a name of a writer that had written a book for a 9 year old with a terminal illness. It has been on my heart to write a book, things just move so quickly in my small army. I'm multi tasking like crazy. NOTE TO SELF...CONTACT HIM!! Then an yet another earth angel comes our way.. Patti. She called Discovery church asking for a family to adopt & lo &behold she gets the JULIE/ AUSTIN team! So it was a lovely visit this morning as we learned a little bit about each other, shared stories & told her of our journey. My awesome cousin Leah, has looked up a name of a foundation as well. I have a couple of tasks to conquer. I guess the word is getting out!! PRAISE GOD!

1 comment:

  1. Nice thoughts you jotted down today Julie, I enjoyed reading this. Only the beginning of new beginnings:) God bless you and Austin and all those involved in your life!

    -Debra Reed
